Thursday 16 October 2008

The Empty Vessel Web Page!

The Empty Vessel at last has an official web page! You can find it here:

It's all part of Neal's website He's trying to make a living from music. Good luck mate, is all I can say, with a bitter and twisted voice.

Only two songs up there at the moment, and ones that were on the old website. But now some different news. I have completed the lyrics for two entirely new Empty Vessel songs. The first is 'Humanisation' which I mentioned here: The second is 'The Puppet On The Throne'. Both are classic old prog-rock songs in the 1970s style - which means they're quite long. There's nothing like a classic old prog-rock song, is there?

Oh I know I go from one thing to another and never quite get anything finished properly. But to be honest this whole project was all about a journey rather than a destination. That's a bit of a cliche. I shouldn't have posted that.

Finally, I had a chat with Jen on the phone a few days ago. I think I may have said a few stupid things earlier this year: sometimes I can get carried away. I apologised. She forgave me, again. Seems our relationship has been defined by me doing stupid things and then apologising. Not that we have a relationship, you understand, at least not in that sense. Stop reading stuff into this blog that isn't there.